I am about ready to pull my hair out! Dryson, who will be 3 in a month, refuses to use the toilet. I will make him sit on it and he will cry for hours. Today Dr. Francis told him if he doesn't stop using diapers he CAN"T go swimming in his pool. Great incentive RIGHT? No I put in on the toilet and after an hour of crying he went so I put him in big boy underwear. Then I turn my back and he has pee running down his legs. I think I am loosing my mind. I know that "boys are harder then girls", but come on! Well I guess he will learn when we are all swimming and he is sitting on the side:( Any tricks from moms would be appreciated.
Oh I am in the same boat with Neilsen! Right when I think we have about got it, he doesn't!! SO I hear you. I hope Traci will be alot easier then this! Once you figure it out the secret let me know. :)
I vote....let Daddy do the dirty work :) Stick a floaty toy in the potty and have Daddy show him how to aim at it. Make it fun. I don't have boys but my Sister had her son stand up. With Dejah...I decided not to "worry" about it. Eventually she just decided on her own that she was ready. He's not quite 3 so you're way ahead of the game concidering he's a boy. Some take till they are almost 4! Crazy huh.
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